Grade 3 Scavenger Hunt!
Posted on September 20 2019Ms. Slocum's Grade 3 class had a rock scavenger hunt outside today. They have to find a bunch of different rocks.
Ms. Slocum's Grade 3 class had a rock scavenger hunt outside today. They have to find a bunch of different rocks.
Fox Creek School is pleased to partner with Castle Rock Research to provide educational resources to help support student achievement. Over the last 20 years, hundreds of thousands of students in Alberta…
ScholarTree is back for another year of helping graduating students find scholarships. Over the summer we added over 100 new awards to ScholarTree.Since it is early in the year, here are some of our blogs…
The Educational Liaison Association of Alberta (ELAA) is comprised of Alberta post-secondary institutions including colleges, universities, and technical institutes; the RCMP, and Canadian Forces. Fox…
Whitecourt Career Fair is on October 3. All grade ten students and interested grade 11 and 12 students will be attending. The event is free and lunch is provided. The bus will leave at 8:45 and…
University of Alberta will be sending a representative on October 1 during the last period of the day. Any grade 11 and 12 students are welcome to attend to hear from a University recruiter telling…
Fox Creek School currently has more than ten students working on dual credit programs in our high school. This is a unique opportunity where students can be enrolled in college programs while they are…
Being safe at school means working together with our community partners, parents and first responders. Understanding the terminology that schools and responders use can help. Hold and Secure means classes…
Grade 7-12 Parent-Teacher conferences on Wed, Sept.25 from 5:30PM-8:00PM. Please log on to and use the event code btfxb to book an interview time!!
Please note that the Terry Fox Run will now be on Friday, Sept.27th
Congratulations to the Senior Girls Volleyball Team on their win vs. Swan Hills. Great job ladies! A big thank you to Dawn MacKay for volunteering her time to coach and Brad Peavoy for driving everyone…
Congratulations to the Junior Fox Creek Golf Team on their amazing Tournament. Jonathan Roddick was the overall individual male winner and the Fox Creek Team won the overall team banner! Way to go everyone!…
Senior Boys won the Zone Championships and will be representing Fox Creek at the Provincial Championships!
Congratulations to the Fox Creek Senior Golf Team. They competed in the Zone Championships in Fairview. Great job Faith MacKay, Braeden Roddick, Tyson Taylor, Devon Stadnyk, and Fischer Hudson! A big…
Our joint collaboration with the Municipality of Fox Creek began at the pool today. We are offering a lifeguard course to 7 of our students attending Fox Creek School. Diverse programming is available…
Thank you goes out to FCS School Council for providing pastries and coffee for parents on Tuesday for our first day back. It was exciting to see so many parents in the CHAMP room learning about our school…
Back to School Survival
Next time you are at FCS check out our Outddor Classroom Design. We have a bulletin board dedicated to our design and plan.
A big thank you to the cement company and NGPS Maintenance Department for getting our front ready for school start up tomorrow. Our new cement and pavement look amazing. We are ready for students and…
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We hope you enjoyed the summer break and are excited for a new school year. The beginning of each school year is a special time for us all – students, staff and families…
We are so excited to see our Outdoor Classroom take shape. The sod laying is just the beginning of an exciting project at our school. Great to see our vision evolve into reality!
This week, Fox Creek School Staff have been working on Professional Development and preparing our classrooms for a positive learning environment. Teachers have examined Intentional Planning and Wellness…
Thank you to Mrs. Hailes, Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. Duff, and Mrs. Baxter for getting up extra early to prepare breakfast for us today. Also thank you to Deputy Superintendent Brennick for joining us as well.…
OUR STORY NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE YOU CAN LEARN HERE From the students, to the teachers, to the principals and staff. Because here, education happens every minute, in every corner, of every school. Here,…
Fox Creek School is revving up for the 2019-2020 school year. We are all looking forward to kicking off the year on September 3. This is what you can expect Kindergarten students-You will have a phone…
Tuesday, September 3, 2019 is the first day back to school for nearly 5,000 Northern Gateway students! Preview important dates with the 2019-20 School Year Calendar. Northern Gateway Public Schools (NGPS)…
Please year our Year End Parent Newsletter for all the latest school news!!!
Congratulations to all our Award Recipients!!
TO OUR STUDENTS We hope each and every one of you has had an amazing year of learning and growth! Each day you inspire us with your individuality, achievement and potential. Your journey as a student…
Congratulations to those students who have finished their Dual Credit Courses this year. Cody Larsen 4th Class Power Engineering Mitchell Bouvier Oilfield Operator Training…
Fox Creek School's Annual Awards Ceremony will be Friday, September 20 at 7:00 pm. If you are a student, family member, or award/scholarship sponsor please mark your calendar to save time for this event…
Mrs. Gelleny's Grade 2 class has been learning about butterfly's! They have watched them as caterpillars making their chrysalis; to now the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis!
As you stand in this very special place, marking both an ending and a beginning, we hope you pause to enjoy the magnitude of your achievement. From your first moments in Kindergarten, to your adventures…
On Friday June 14th our elementary students had their Track and Field day! They participated in a ton of different events such as three legged race, ball throw, hurdles, Frisbee toss and many more. It…
Congratulations to all the Fox Creek Track & Field Athletes on their amazing season! A big thank you Miss. Czinkota, Mr. Dinel, Madam Schmidt, Mr. Mytrunec, Mrs. Duff and Brad Peavoy for volunteering…
Please share your thoughts with us in this short 3-question survey! Click here to take the three minute survey! Northern Gateway Public Schools is looking to find out how many parents/guardians are interested…
Fox Creek School is very excited to be commencing on our new project of creating an Outdoor Learning space on the location of the decommissioned pool site. The first step is planting some trees and…
Tomorrow, June 11th we are having some trees planted in the area where the old pool use to be. Please talk to your child/children and emphasis that the trees are not to be played with. They need time…
The next time you come in our main doors check out our new planter boxes built by Mr. Thesen and his students. We are continually looking at how to improve our spaces at FCS.
Codi Peavoy running in the 200m and Cody Larsen throwing the javelin at Provincial Track and Field today. Great efforts despite the miserable weather!
Explore your options this summer in technology, the trades, business, health sciences, the arts and more! Registration is now open for our Career Exposure Summer Boot Camps! Click here to register! These…
14-17 year old wishing to get more information regarding "Encounters with Canada" please follow to learn more about the themes offered. A terrific opportunity to experience…
The Grade 8 class went on a field trip to Edmonton to visit the Art Gallery of Alberta!
Please read our June Parent Newsletter for all the latest school news!
This scholarship is a $1000 scholarship for any Grade 12 student furthering their education. We are asking any students interested in applying for this scholarship to write an essay outlining their academic…