ASAA Scholarships!
Posted on May 20 2021Applications are OPEN for our three scholarships! We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has hindered the ability of student-athletes to represent their schools in inter-school athletics since March…
Applications are OPEN for our three scholarships! We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic has hindered the ability of student-athletes to represent their schools in inter-school athletics since March…
As per Minister of Education Adriana LaGrange's announcement this afternoon, Alberta students will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, with the exception of students in the Regional…
Please see attached letter for information.
Repsol has once again announced that they will offer two scholarships to Fox CreekSchool students. The first scholarship is the $500.00 scholarship to a grade 12 graduating student basedon academic…
Steven Harding was the 2008 valedictorian whose future was cut tragically short in a car accident thatsame year. A scholarship fund was created by his family with all of the awards that Steven had earnedthat…
2G were constructing either an Elastic-powered boat or a Balloon-powered boat. Thanks to all those who brought in supplies!
Please click here to view information regarding the switch to online(remote) learning.
MuniSight is sponsoring the Rural Communities Scholarship Program! To be eligible for the scholarship, students must: • Be enrolled at a post-secondary institution this fall • Come from a Canadian…
Please view our May 2021, newsletter for all the latest school news!
Please visit Nelson for more information
Sending thanks and our appreciation to Laurie who ensures our children's safety each and every day!
It has been over a full year since NGPS began adapting to the challenges of delivering education in the context of a pandemic. This year, we want to take the opportunity to celebrate the many hands,…
The students put a big push into getting the Hot Rod closer to being finished. It is now ready to go in for upholstery! Great work everyone!!A huge thank you to Rod Forest and Paramount Resources for…
The last week of ELAA Spring 2021 post-secondary recruitment season begins today through the 6Connex online platform. The Spring ELAA dates and times are as follows: Tuesday, April 27: 6:00pm - 8:00pm…
A big thank you to Shell Canada and their social investment program for the support of $10,000. This donation includes $5000 for new seating in the Foods room and $5000 towards our future purchase of…
Are you passionate about kids and public education? You may want to consider running for a school trustee position! Alberta School Board elections will take place on Monday, October 18, 2021! Elected…
Your educational journey is our inspiration! At Northern Gateway Public Schools, we understand that every student is unique. Teachers, support staff and leadership work together to create personalized,…
Grades K-3 had a great virtual visit learning from author and artist Gerry Rasmussen today!
They combined their building and community units to make one big project! They had to design and build a house they imagined would fit in the community of Fox Creek! So many creative minds in 1H!
11 Fresh Scholarship Picks Just For You! Please visit for more information.
The Grade 3 class has been busy building bridges and other objects.
Each student made their own airplane, designed for distance. 1st place: Bradeyn Tomlinson, 2nd place: Luke Grumbach, 3rd place: Reid Gomuwka
Students line up together and hold on to a small stick which they have customized. Students hold it high above their heads. While they run, they scream as loud as they can for one whole breath. The moment…
Please see video below.
Please see video below.
The Grade 6 Dinel class is working on flight in science. Each group modified a sheet of paper to increase or decrease the drag. We had a contest to see which was the faster and slowest to fall.
We wish to send a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Angel Randham. Following a suggestion from CALM class, Angel entered the provincial Safegen video contest. Angel won $100.00! Nice work!
Please note the deadline for the completion of the Alberta Education Assurance (AEA) survey has been extended to Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Parents of school-aged children across Alberta should have received…
Fox Creek School sends out a huge thank you to Circle K for their donation of PPE supplies!
The next two months are when the majority of scholarship applications close for students who will be attending post-secondary school next year. For students who are still interested in applying to scholarships,…
Please view our April, 2021 newsletter for all the latest school news!
Congratulations! All semester, students have been receiving offers to post secondary institutions all over Alberta. It's always a source of pride when students pursue further education and vocational…
This is a national scholarship but there is strong interest from the family to have an Alberta student(s) be a recipient. There are two scholarships of $7500 each to be awarded. This award is not…
No School Reminder There are no classes Monday, March 29 to Tuesday, April 6 for the spring break, Easter Monday and a Board Approved Non-Instructional Day. Classes resume for all NGPS students on…
The GPRC Fine Arts Department is hosting two upcoming virtual recitals. They would like to invite you and your students to be part of these unique events. They will be showcasing our students performing…
GPRC invite students to experience the world of Fine Arts - visual arts, music and drama! Come meet Carmen Gorgichuk, the Chair of the department, on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 from 5:00 pm – 7:00…
The Cosmetology class and Madame Schmidt send out a HUGE thank-you to Sheila Gilmour of Urban Style Salon. She generously donated: a stylist chair and mat, curling irons, brushes, carts, barbicide and…
Grade 6S designing parachutes!
1H were 3-d shape creators yesterday! Hands on learning and creativity was flowing in the classroom!
Accepting scholarship applications Scholarship applications are now open - apply today.Applications will be accepted until May 14, 2021. Our scholarships are an easy way to get financial support for…
What: Virtual Career Fair Who: Grades 7-12 at participating schools When: Wednesday April 28th 2021 The goal with this career fair is to make a career day where the sky's the limit. A career…
Call for presenters, Would your company or organization like to participate as a panelist in a Virtual Career Fair? A partner school in the Iceland Exchange Project, New Norway, is hosting a virtual…
A reminder that there is no school for NGPS students, March 29th, 2021 - April 6th, 2021, on account of Easter and spring break! First day back to classes will be Wednesday April 7th, 2021.
Nearing the conclusion of our measurement unit, the students in Grade 5 used the displacement of water to determine the volume of objects. They were able to see that cubic centimeters were equal to the…