Rainbow Trout (Fish in School Program)

January, 20/2023
The rainbow trout eggs have arrived! We have 65 rainbow trout eggs in our aquarium. We are participating in the Fish in School Program sponsored by the Government of Alberta. We will raise the eggs to fish from now until the spring when we will release them into an approved body of water. Grade 5 students will be helping with the release event. Special thank you to Rival Trucking who donated the supplies needed to care for the fish! Check back for updates as the fish hatch and grow!
Update - January, 25/2023
Our fish are hatched! Almost all of the Rainbow Trout eggs have hatched over the last week. They are now in the Alevin stage. They are feeding from their attached yolk sacs as they gain strength and practice swimming. We had a few that were not successfully fertilized and a few which died - totally normal occurrences. We now have 55 Alevin thriving. You can see in the ziploc container the deceased fish eggs as well as the clear egg shells our fish hatched from. The students are excited to see the fish continue to grow.