Miss Brazinskaite's ATA Induction Ceremony
Although everyones' focus remains on the wildfire situation back home, tonight, the administration of FCS was honoured to join the NGPS Division Office staff, fellow NGPS staff, other inductees, and ATA President, Jason Schilling, to celebrate the induction of Ms. Brazinskaite into the Alberta Teachers' Association.
Miss B's dedication and passion for her job was once again evident! She made the ROUND TRIP in one day, from her evacuation location in Calgary, to attend the Beginning Teacher session and Induction Ceremony in Whitecourt.
We couldn't be more proud to call her one of ours and are so grateful to have her as part of the Fox Creek School family.
Congratulations Miss B.!
PS: Thank you to everyone in attendance for your care, concern, listening ear, and well wishes for our community during the difficult wildfire situation.