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ScholarTree Weekly Roundup
ScholarTree Weekly Roundup 2 scholarships ending soon, apply now!
3 new scholarships fresh out of the oven!SCHOLARSHIPSENDING SOON!
Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation Bursaries $6000 (x25) Closing in 9 days!
- Financial Need
Pretty Lightroom Presets Scholarship $500 Closing in 10 days!
- Citizenship: American or Canadian
GoSkills Scholarship $2000
- Gender: Woman
General Contractors' Section - Toronto Bursary Scholarship $1500 (x4)
- Financial Need
- Gender: Woman
- Grades: 85 - 100%
- Study Year: 2nd Year - Post Grad
Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation Bursaries $6000 (x25)
- Financial Need
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