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Fox Creek School Junior High Awards!

Please see the awards presented to our Junior High students.

*Award descriptions below

Congratulations to everyone!

Grade 7 awards:

Most Improved Student Award: Charlee Clair      

All Round Student Award: Ryan Grumbach

Northern Gateway Public Schools Junior High Honours Awards:

Cayley Stadnyk

Jayce Coley

Savannah Decaire

Carter DeCiccio

Ryan Gumbach

Keegan Erickson

Madison Hodges

Brookelynn Burnett-Wiltse


Highest Academic Honours Award: Carter DeCiccio

Northern Gateway Public Schools Awards: Carter DeCiccio 


Grade 8 awards:

Most Improved Student Award: Josaiah Balasbas         

All Round Student Award: Brock Hudson

Northern Gateway Public Schools Junior High Honours Awards:

Skylar Chalifoux

Mason Mohler

Kyla Pattison

Alyssa Johnson

Nicole Molina

Brandon Taylor

Abigail King

Reichen Sather

Olivia Moon


Highest Academic Honours Award: Abigail King

Bev Craig Memorial Award: Skylar Chalifoux


Grade 9 Awards

Most Improved Student Award: Hayden Bingham

All Round Student Award: Ava Maclean     

Northern Gateway Public Schools Junior High Honours Awards:

Owen DeCiccio

William Roddick

Ava Maclean

Rose Thompson


Highest Academic Honours Award: Owen DeCiccio

Nate Mihaichuk Memorial Award: Lealund French

Linda Breland Memorial Award: Owen DeCiccio

Fox Creek School Council Academic Achievement Awards: 

Owen DeCiccio

William Roddick

Ava Maclean

Rose Thompson


Royal Canadian Legion Grade 9 Bursary: Hayden Bingham

Royal Canadian Legion Cross Country Awards: William Roddick


Northern Gateway Public Schools Awards

Annually, one junior high school (grade 7-9) student from each school shall be awarded an award of one hundred dollars ($100.00).

In addition to the monetary award, each successful candidate will receive a Certificate of Achievement, a Commemorative Medal and a book to be chosen by the Vice Chair of the Board or designate.

Successful candidates must fulfill all criteria as follows:

-take part in extracurricular activities

-demonstrates positive leadership qualities

-show interest and participate in school activities

-be academically engaged in curricular studies

-volunteer in order to enhance the community and/or school

-act in a respectful manner towards self, others and the environment

Bev Craig Memorial Award

To the student who best embodies the qualities of Bev Craig:  caring, gets along well with others, good sense of humour, helpful, would do anything for anyone that needed help.

Nate Mihaichuk Memorial Award

Nate Mihaichuk was a graduate of our school in 1992. During his life, Nate and his family were avid outdoorsmen, enjoying and embracing our outdoor spaces to the fullest.  He was involved in a tragic workplace accident months later.  This award was created in his memory to be given to the student who has displayed the most enthusiasm and leadership in promoting and participating in outdoor education and the preservation of the environment for the use of future generations.

Linda Breland Memorial Award

Linda Breland was an active member in our community who died in a car accident approximately 35 years ago.  Linda was very involved in recreation and adult learning in our community.

The Community Resource Centre presents this award in her memory, to a grade 9 student in Fox Creek School, who best exemplifies strong leadership and citizenship in both the school and community. 

Royal Canadian Legion Grade 9 Bursary

The Royal Canadian Legion of Fox Creek sponsors a bursary for the student in Grade 9 who receives the award for Most Improved Student.

Royal Canadian Legion Cross Country Awards      

The Royal Canadian Legion of Fox Creek also sponsors an award for the male and female students who completed the annual Terry Fox Cross Country run in the fastest time. 

Most Improved Student Awards 

This award goes to a student who has shown improvement Grades 7 ‑ 12.  This

improvement can be:

  • academic,
  • behavioural,
  • extra‑curricular participation or
  • attitude

All Round Student Awards                                       

  • a pleasure to have in class
  • participates in extra‑curricular events
  • participates on school teams,
  • involvement on Students' Union, Drama Clubs, etc.
  • doing well academically (passing)
  • an asset to the school and
  • gets along with his/her peers.


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